Pupil Welfare

As well as the wealth of information contained in our policies below, we would like to draw your attention to two important websites:

- An 'Emotional Health and Wellbeing' Online Directory by the NHS Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group, in partnership with Bristol City Council.

The Directory has been designed with the aim of providing a single, searchable source of information of different services and resources. You can access it using this external link: https://www.bristolccg.nhs.uk/media/medialibrary/2017/06/Emotional_health_and_wellbeing_directory.pdf

- Health Protection - who the school call and why.

Due to recent reports of a rise in cases of measles, scarlet fever and flu outbreaks in several education settings, it is important for any school to know what to do and who to call. Please see the external link below that Fairlawn Primary School use in such cases: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-protection-in-schools-and-other-childcare-facilities


Click on the below links to read or download the documents:

Medical Treatment of Students Policy & Procedures (VT)