Welcome from the Headteacher

Siobhan lennox brown

Welcome to Fairlawn Primary School.

Opened in September 2015 as a new school, Fairlawn Primary School, a member of Venturers Trust, is very proud to continue the long history of educating children in the magnificent buildings that were once a Victorian grammar school.

The children’s wellbeing and holistic development is at the heart of everything we do.  The school day is designed to build confidence and skills in all aspects of child development.  We believe that all our children are unique and have special talents to bring to our school community.  We provide an engaging environment in which our children can be successful and feel happy to take risks, explore and ask questions.

I am proud to lead a passionate and caring team who are committed to achieving high standards and providing the best opportunities for our children.

Our knowledge rich curriculum focusses on our school, our community and our city.  Designed to develop a deep sense of identity, pride, belonging and understanding of the world.

We ensure that our children understand their rights through the ‘Rights Respecting’ award from UNICEF. We are devoted to inspiring our children through the power of this programme, so they grow into respectful and caring members of society.

Fairlawn Primary School is a diverse school with the strong support of dedicated governors and an active PTA (Parents and Teachers Association – Friends of Fairlawn); the community is thriving and we welcome you to visit to find out more for yourself. 

Siobhan Lennox-Brown




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  • Wow! What an amazing glut we’ve got from our first year with the Outdoor Classroom. Thank you to the greening group, earth guardians and all of the children that have made it a success! Fingers crossed for less wonky carrots next year! pic.twitter.com/bOXmHvQmW8 July 19th
  • Here is the Term 6 Newsletter. Have a wonderful summer holiday.....when it arrives! pic.twitter.com/ta2OzdnZlH July 17th
  • To end our final RE Day, we were delighted to welcome Malik from Hazart Bilal Mosque. The children learned about the Five Pillars of Islam and enjoyed Malik's visit to each class, where he shared about the Hajj pilgrimage. 🌟 pic.twitter.com/UVHP2Sqn55 July 17th
  • A massive well done to Earth who won the house cup for Term 6! 🌎 July 16th
  • A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Neptune who won 'The Molesworth House Cup' for this academic year! Celebrated in style! 🔵 pic.twitter.com/wq0oySaIK2 July 16th
  • There was not a dry eye in the house during our Year 6 leavers' assembly this afternoon! Finished off with a fantastic BBQ and some good tunes! 🍔💃🕺 🎵#ClassOf2024 pic.twitter.com/WJTHdalZod July 16th
  • A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Neptune who one 'The Molesworth House Cup' for this academic year! Celebrated in style! 🔵 pic.twitter.com/5mXVeiEIHT July 16th
  • A massive well done to Earth who one the house cup for Term 6! 🌎 July 16th
  • Congratulations to those awarded the Fairlawn STEAM awards for Term 6! pic.twitter.com/45LvA0Owvj July 16th
  • Congratulations to those awarded certificates for our school values in Term 6. pic.twitter.com/R8odDF4mRB July 16th
  • Year 6 had a break from all of their hard work rehearsing for the end-of-year play and celebrated by making slime! pic.twitter.com/6bMLQ3UcTp July 15th
  • We recently welcomed our 2024-25 Reception Cohort into school for our annual Teddy Bear's Picnic. Looking forward to getting to know them more in September! pic.twitter.com/GFY4P9V5kO July 15th